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match | The Institute of Assembly Technology (match) is hosting a workshop at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) in Philadelphia (USA) on May 27, 2022, as part of the DFG Priority Program 2100 “Soft Material Robotics”.
IKK | Nothing stands in the way of the development and modification of material and, in particular, recyclate formulations thanks to the new DCIM, Direct Compounding Injection Molding. The system from KraussMaffei Group GmbH went into operation in mid-December 2021 at the IKK – Institute of Plastics and Circular Economy.
GREAN | Production in 2021: On the one hand, recovery after the economic crisis, on the other hand, supply chains collapsed. And in the middle of it all, the demand to make factories “greener”. How do decision-makers position their factories today? The new GREAN study seeks answers.
IMPT | A new metal 3D printer is now in use at the Institute of Micro Production Technology (IMPT). It will manufacture complicated geometries which are not possible to achieve with conventional manufacturing processes. The researchers plan to use the printer for prototyping of vacuum components, among other things.
LZH | With the Dialog-on-the-Road, Niedersachsen ADDITIV is bringing the information event for 3D printing newcomers to various regions in Lower Saxony. On 14 October 2021, interested companies can inform themselves about the technology in Quakenbrück.