Longer flight distances, more passengers, less fuel consumption mean rising market requirements for aircraft industry. To meet these challenges, the Institute of Production Engineering and Machine Tools (IFW) of Leibniz Universität Hannover and the Machining Innovations Network e.V. (MIN) have been hosting the "Machining Innovations Conference for Aerospace Industry" already for 16 years.
This year’s conference will take place on 23 and 24 November 2016 at the Hannover Centre for Production Technology (PZH), An der Universität 2, 30823 Garbsen, Germany. The focus of the conference will be on the latest high-performance materials, on efficient machining of structural components as well as on innovative machine tools. Besides presentations from science and industry, the conference program also includes an exhibition, an experimental shop floor tour and an evening gala.
The number of participants is limited. To register please visit the website www.mic-conference.com