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Current developments and dates
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match | Sustainable production is one of today’s key topics in the research, planning and implementation of production scenarios. Together with partners from research and industry, match is researching the digitalization of circular economy.
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IPH | LZH | What are the potential applications of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics in production? How can lasers be used to make production processes more sustainable? IPH and LZH will answer these questions at the Hannover Messe from April 22 to 26, 2024.
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IFW | What impact will the changes in the aerospace industry have on tomorrow’s manufacturing technology? Latest trends and developments will be presented and discussed at the Machining Innovations Conference for Aerospace Industry (MIC) on November 29 and 30, 2023.
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LZH | IPH | From deposition welding to 3D printing on the moon: The LZH presents laser system technology– even for extraordinary challenges. The IPH will demonstrate plastics recycling in additive manufacturing using a 3D printer and the different intermediate steps for recycling.
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ITA | HITec | The Einstein-Elevator at the Hannover Institute of Technology (HITec) enables experiments under weightlessness and adjustable gravity conditions, such as those prevailing on the Moon or Mars.
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IKK | Circular economy, digitalization and climate protection are this year’s leading themes at K in Düsseldorf. Fittingly, among 3,500 other exhibitors from around the world the IKK – Institute of Plastics and Circular Economy will present mechanical recycling of textile waste from October 19 to 26, 2022.
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LZH | A novel Spatial ALD system for coating optics was developed by the Laser Zentrum Hannover e. V. (LZH) together with the Finnish company Beneq OY. The system can also coat complex-shaped optics uniformly – and achieve high deposition rates.
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ITA | Students experience the secret transmission of information using polarized light in the new augmented reality laboratory of the Optronics group at ITA. A pair of smart glasses superimposes information and instructions into the field of vision.