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The magazine for production research from Hanover

IPH | If companies select a suitable transport system already during the factory planning stage, they can avoid subsequent adjustments and save a lot of time and costs. The IPH is developing a software demonstrator for automated layout and transport system planning.
PhoenixD | The Cluster of Excellence PhoenixD cluster (Photonics Optics Engineering – Innovation Across Disciplines) receives 52 million euros in federal and state funding. How the approximately 110 researchers are using this money, explain the cluster’s executive board members, Professor Dr Uwe Morgner and Professor Dr Ludger Overmeyer.
PhoenixD | Dr Reinhard Caspary is the technology coordinator of the Cluster of Excellence PhoenixD at Leibniz University Hannover. The graduate physicist and doctor of electrical engineering wishes the cluster members to develop a collective identity as “optics researchers”.
LZH | So far, 3D printing processes for glass materials have been rare. The LZH is developing a laser-based process for the Additive Manufacturing of glass components. Quartz glass components for optics and medical technology can be manufactured using laser deposition welding the future.