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Current developments and dates

IW | The focus of the Materials & Lightweight Construction Forum, taking place at Hannover Messe from 25 to 29 April 2016, will be on lightweight materials, structures and manufacturing. Presentations and talks on newly developed materials and practical solutions will show how to save cost and weight already in the early design stage.
PZH | “Future Lab: Production and Society”: This is the title of a new lecture series for employees of the Hannover Centre for Production Technology (PZH). The invited lectures will deal with future-relevant topics such as climate change or sustainable economic models.
IFA | Since 1966, the Institute of Production Systems and Logistics (IFA) has been successfully conducting research on the production-related correlations between logistics, production processes and human resources. What has characterized the institute over the decades? And what are the future prospects?
IMPT | The “Studium Initiale” paves the way for professionals without university entrance qualifications who would like to take up studies at a university. The spectrum ranges from orientation courses providing an insight into various degree programmes over soft skill workshops to subject-specific modular courses.
IPH | What will the production of the future look like? Researchers of the Institut für Integrierte Produktion Hannover (IPH) are always looking for the latest trends – without losing track of their key issue, which is digitalization. Minister Olaf Lies could see this for himself during his visit.
PZH/IPH | The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy appointed five centres to help support small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the development and adoption of Industry 4.0 know-how. The joint proposal of PZH and IPH is the one which will be put into practice first. What is the benefit for craft and SMEs?
IFUM/IW/IUL | Teamwork is the road to success – research is no exception. The Hannover institutes IFUM and IW are in close cooperation with their colleagues at the Dortmund institute IUL, jointly developing new manufacturing technologies such as sheet metal massive forming.