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The magazine for production research from Hanover

IFW | The order situation of contract manufacturers is subject to considerable fluctuations. Trading with capacities is used to smooth the utilization of capacity, but is associated with high costs. The solution: An assistance system for automated trading with production capacities.
ITA/HOT | Since July 1, 2020, the team of the Cluster of Excellence PhoenixD has a new member: Professor Dr. Antonio Cala Lesina works in the Optical Design and Multiphysics Simulation Resort. The topic “nanostructures” has already accompanied him for a large part of his international career.
IFA/IPH | Versatile and efficient – this is how a sustainable factory should be. At the practical seminar on factory planning on 24 and 25 November 2020, specialists and managers will acquire comprehensive basic knowledge and will be able to put this directly into practice.
IFA | Scientists at IFA explore digital approaches to leadership and interaction in teams. They support managers in guiding their employees through the turbulent changes that technological innovations and digitization bring about.
PZH | GREAN is establishing a central point of contact for production companies. There, managing directors and production managers will find information on how to organise their production “Corona-ready”. Furthermore, weekly exchange rounds are offered.
ITA | Both the drive technology and the belt technology of continuously operating conveyor systems in mining reach their technical and economic limits. In order to overcome them, scientists at ITA are developing a novel drive concept.