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Da De Di


Dicing is a metal-cutting process that uses peripheral grinding wheels to profile or cut substrates. The blade widths of such grinding blades can be very thin, with values in the two-digit micrometre range, allowing very fine cuts to be produced.

Dicing blade

A standard blade for silicon cutting consists of a metal matrix (nickel) with embedded diamond abrasive grains with a grain size of 4-6 µm. Blade width can typically vary between 35 – 250 µm depending on the application.

Dielectric strength

Dielectric strength reflects the electric field strength at which an electrically insulating material loses insulating properties and conductivity increases sharply. Due to damage to the material, this is an irreversible process.

Digital twin

A digital twin is a digital representation of a tangible or intangible object from the real world in the digital world.