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Current developments and dates

IFUM | For a more comprehensive determination of material properties: At the Institute of Forming Technology and Machines (IFUM), the Gleeble system has been installed at the Department Material Characterisation and Simulation. It is even suitable for simulating bulk metal forming processes.
CRC 1153 | Experts from the Collaborative Research Centre “Tailored Forming“ are developing new methods for the production of hybrid components, combining the advantages of different materials. Around forty technical exhibits will be presented at Hannover Messe taking place from 23 to 27 April.
IPH/LZH | The Institut für Integrierte Produktion Hannover (IPH) gGmbH presents new methods for an optimal factory planning. The Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. (LZH) will be presenting a process chain for additive manufacturing, and the safe deflagration of unexploded bombs using laser technology.
LZH | On 14 and 15 March 2018, the Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. (LZH) organizes the Photonic Lightweight Construction Symposium for the first time. The focus is on laser-based processes, because the laser shall play an even bigger role in lightweight construction in the future.
PZH | The latest novelties regarding the production of hybrid high-performance components will be presented to specialists and executives on 11 April 2018 at the Hannover Centre for Production Technology (PZH). On the occasion of the Industrial Colloquium, researchers of the Collaborative Research Centre “Tailored Forming” will talk to industry experts about their latest results.
IPH/GREAN | A clever energy management saves companies a lot of money. The practice-oriented workshop on “Energy management in production”, taking place on 20 February 2018 in Hannover, gives you the right tools. Registration deadline is 22 January 2018.
match | Paradigm shift in robotics: Instead of classical robot structures using stiff materials, soft material robotics employs soft and compliant components such as silicones. A new DFG Priority Programme seeks to promote research in this particular research area.