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The future of production technology

IW | Similar to traditional magnetic stripe cash cards, future storage of information shall also be possible on wear-resistant coatings. Based on this principle, the aim of the Institute of Materials Science (IW) is to develop a durable alternative to RFID tags and barcodes.
match | A novel cooling technology shall make air conditioning systems, electronic cooling devices and freezers more efficient and reduce their energy consumption considerably. Scientists of the Institute match are doing research on how to design devices, in order to utilize the electrocaloric effect in an optimal way.
IFA | Time and performance pressure are challenges not only faced by industrial companies. Meanwhile, even hospitals are more and more confronted with competitive constraints. So comparing healthcare centers with industrial companies seems to make sense. Is there a chance for mutual learning?
ITA | Optical waveguides used for data transmission can easily be printed at low cost – a serious future alternative to glass fibre optic networks. The aim of researchers of the Institute of Transport and Automation Technology (ITA) is to improve the quality of printed optical waveguides.
IMPT | Thinner, more accurate and more versatile – these are the demands on future sensors. IMPT scientists work on a technology to deposit sensors without any intermediate layers directly on components of arbitrary size.
IPH | To reduce electricity costs, companies do not necessarily have to spend a lot of money. At the IPH, researchers have developed a method that simply through smart manufacturing control reduces energy costs to a considerable extent – by making use of energy price fluctuations.
CRC 1153 | At the new Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) of Leibniz Universität Hannover, the aim of 40 scientists is to revolutionize massive forming – by first joining different materials and forming them afterwards to tailored hybrid high-performance components.